Eastern Europe / Germany Marion Gräfin Dönhoff Fellowship
The Marion Gräfin Dönhoff Journalism Fellowship was founded in 2001. Back then, Russia was a reasonably free country, seeking a modernisation partnership with the West. IJP promoted the exchange of journalists between Germany and the former Soviet states. Young German journalists spent a two-months fellowship at “Novaya Gazeta” or “Echo Moskvy” in Moscow or “Ukrainskaya Pravda” in Ukraine, while journalists from Russia and other Eastern European countries worked in German media organizations in Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg or Munich.
This changed, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. For security reasons, IJP does not currently send German journalists to Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. IJP has shifted its cooperation with Eastern European editorial offices to countries where peace prevails and German journalists can move freely and are accredited, including Georgia, Armenia and Moldova. Journalists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus (as well as Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) are still eligible to apply to the programme.
The scholarship is intended to give 10 – 12 young journalists from Germany and Eastern Europe annually the opportunity to gain a personal impression of current political, economic and cultural developments and backgrounds. Participants work in a foreign journalistic environment and thereby gain insights into the media landscape of their host country.
The IJP programme for Eastern Europe is named after Marion Gräfin Dönhoff (02.12.1909 – 11.03.2002), long-time editor of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. She did not miss the opportunity to meet the first fellows in Hamburg in 2001, despite her illness, and emphasized the importance of fostering an understanding between East and West.
The fellowship begins at the end of September with an introductory conference lasting several days. This is immediately followed by an eight-week stay at the Eastern European or German host media. IJP selects the respective host media in consultation with the fellows and with regard to their interests and qualifications. During their placement, fellows are integrated into the work process of the host media, but also work on their own journalistic projects and report for media in their home country.
Applications are open to German and Eastern European journalists between the ages of 20 and 35 who regularly work as freelancers, trainees or editors for German or Eastern European newspapers, radio stations, TV stations or online editorial offices. Good German or English language skills are a prerequisite for Eastern European applicants. Due to the war, Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian journalists who are living and working outside of their home country, including Germany, can also apply. Further details on the necessary application documents can be found in the current call for applications.
The scholarship consists of a one-time payment of 4,000 euros. This amount is intended to cover travel expenses, food and accommodation during the stay abroad, visa fees and health insurance. There is no remuneration for the journalistic work on site. A postponement of the guest stay is not possible.

“Thanks to IJP, I got a job in Germany and met professionals from different countries. We did joint projects with some of these journalists. Two months that have changed and defined my life ever since.”
Elena Barysheva, Alumna 2008![]()