
In collaboration with other organisations and foundations, IJP offers various projects for alumni. The focus is on both professional development and network expansion – beyond the bilateral nature of the regular IJP programmes.

Projects include:

ComLab Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media

With the ComLab series, IJP together with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) promote global cooperation between science and media. Since autumn 2023, after nearly four years of virtual collaboration, journalists from the global IJP network and international researchers from from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, have been meeting annually in Berlin to jointly discuss current scientific debates and develop strategies on how to make them accessible to a broad audience through the media. The ComLab format provides a platform for better mutual understanding across different disciplines. From pitch training to storytelling, media professionals and scientists sharpen their tools and methods together to shape knowledge into stories, encourage action, and develop perspectives for the future.


September 19 – 22, 2024

ComLab #9 | live in Berlin
Contested Freedom – From Migration to AI and the Climate Crisis

Previous sessions

ComLab Bench Talks

Two people on a bench. Somewhere in Berlin. A researcher and a journalist discuss current world events and the state of science communication. A dialogue that offers a comparative view between different cultures and languages. An unscripted conversation of two professions that often hardly have the time to engage in an unplanned chat. Here, we take the luxury of “drifting” and “dwelling” in interdisciplinary space – which takes us to new perspectives for our global community.

In the first episode of Bench Talks, Albert Steinberger, journalist at Deutsche Welle Brasil, and Fabio Fornari, sustainability researcher and alumnus of the German Chancellor Fellowship, talk about misinformation and climate change, the role of science and media in the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, and what “debate” means or can mean in the age of fake news and populism.

IIn the second episode of Bench Talks, Daphnee Iglesias, former German Chancellor Fellow, UN Consultant, and specialist on data access and human rights protection, and Sarah Tekath, foreign correspondent on Women’s and LGBTQ rights, talk about the role of digitalisation in the global refugee crisis and the threat of gender-based violence and racism online. How exactly do technology and social media divide us? But how can they also help to create spaces of economic and social opportunity for women, and especially female refugees? Daphnee and Sarah share their professional and personal experience with gender discrimination.

Supported by

In collaboration with

Workshop Europe Wir sind Europa

Seit 2017 sind die IJP, zusammen mit der Stiftung Zukunft Berlin und dem Walter Hallstein-Institut der Humboldt-Universität, Kollaborationspartner bei dem Projekt Wir sind Europa. Die von der Stiftung Mercator finanzierte Initiative strebt an, durch verschiedene öffentliche Maßnahmen und Aktionen, einen Beitrag zum Gelingen Europas zu leisten. Hierzu werden regelmäßig Debatten, Werkstätten und Diskussionsrunden in verschiedenen Städten organisiert, bei denen Bürgerinnen und Bürger mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus Politik, Kultur und Medien an einen Tisch gebracht werden.


IJP alumni from all over Europe contribute their journalistic expertise by conducting interviews, writing reports, producing podcasts and video contributions and are thus available as important discussion partners. IJP alumni are also actively involved in the regular Humboldt Speeches on Europe with high-ranking speakers from politics and business, as well as the annual Europe Speech on November 9, and make an important contribution to knowledge transfer as multipliers.

Supported by

In collaboration with