Turkey / Germany Federal President Johannes Rau Fellowship

The German-Turkish Fellowship programme was founded in 2006 with the goal to enable young German reporters to spend two months in this important border country between Europe and Asia. In exchange, it offered an opportunity for Turkish journalists to spend a longer period of time working for a German host media organization. Former Federal President Johannes Rau personally authorized the fellowship to bear his name, given the importance of German-Turkish relations. Since then, hundreds of German and Turkish journalists have been able to spend time in the respective host country.

Each year, five young Turkish journalists get the opportunity to work as temporary correspondents at a host media outlet in Germany. During the two-month stay, participants will get insights and better understand the fundamentals of Germany’s economic and political structure, German culture and the daily routine at their host media organization.




Fellows of the Turkish Programme in 2024
Alumni research tour to Istanbul 2024

“The Bursary is an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand information about a vital country, build good connections with colleagues and report important stories.”

Berivan Aydın, Alumna 2016
Partner media
Programme partners