Central Eastern Europe / Germany
Reporting on climate and energy issues is the focus of the German-Central Eastern European Programme. Founded in 2018, the programme is thus the first IJP fellowship programme to focus on climate as a single issue and one of the greatest global challenges.
A total of up to ten journalists from Germany, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia are given the opportunity to spend up to eight weeks in a host editorial office and gain a deeper insight into this topic. Journalists from Germany spend the fellowship period with an outlet from the countries mentioned above, while journalists from Central Eastern Europe come to Germany to work for a host outlet. IJP selects the respective host in consultation with fellows and with regard to their interests and qualifications. The fellows are integrated into the work process of the host media, but also work on their own journalistic projects and report for media in their home country. During the six- to eight-week stay, the journalists get to know their host country better, establish contacts with colleagues and deepen their knowledge of climate and energy issues. Participants are invited to pursue a transnational research project on a jointly chosen topic during their fellowship period.
The fellowship usually begins with a thematic introductory conference in mid-October. This is followed by a 6-8 week stay in the respective host media. At a final conference, participants are asked to submit a three-page field report and the journalistic work produced during the stay.
Journalists from the countries above who work as freelancers or editors in print, radio, online or TV are eligible to apply. Language skills in a language of the host country are not required. A working knowledge of English is expected. Applications should include an English or German CV, a letter of recommendation from the head of department or chief editor, four work samples. Applicants should state their preferred media outlet. Further details can be found in the current call for applications.
Fellows receive a one-time payment of 3,800 euros. The amount is intended to cover a portion of the travel costs, food and accommodation. All additional costs must be borne by the participants.

‘’Our society is facing a plethora of challenges. Working with CLEW’s young professionals with different backgrounds that are full of passion and dedication for the top-notch journalism was an amazing experience. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more about climate change issues, what led to these problems, how they affect our lives and societies, and about possible solutions. I would definitely recommend the IJP programme to all young and ambitious professionals. All together we go further towards a more sustainable world!’’
Andela Bogdan, Alumni from Croatia (2020)![]()