Netherlands / Germany

The German-Dutch Fellowship was founded in 1994 as IJP’s second bursary programme. The reason for the foundation was the results of the “Clingendael Study” of 1993, a survey of Dutch people on their attitudes towards Germany. At that time, especially the younger generations of both countries had considerable difficulties in bilateral understanding and a correspondingly difficult relationship with the neighbouring country.

The programme is organised together with the Dutch partner JDN (Journalists’ Scholarship Duitsland Nederland). Each year, up to six Dutch and six German journalists have the opportunity to spend two months working in the other country. The fellows work as guest journalists at an editorial office in Germany and at the same time research topics for their home media. This gives them an intensive personal impression of the media, politics, economy, culture and society in the host country.



Fellows of the German-Dutch Programme in 2025
German journalist Michelle Kox during her fellowship in Amsterdam

“The exchange made me realise that I can also do my job as a journalist in German, thus expanding my working life both in my own editorial office and beyond the borders. I regularly speak on German radio and was a guest on a political talkshow in Germany. The scholarship was the perfect springboard for this.”

Liedeke Morssinkhof, Alumna 2013
Partner media
Programme partners