ComLab#3: Fair for all? Sustainability and Social Justice

Sustainable transformation also means social transformation. In the Agenda 2030, policy-makers worldwide defined important goals: the end of poverty and hunger in the world, access to quality education for all as well as the promotion of decent work and sustainable economic growth. Yet, how are the costs and benefits of sustainable development distributed at the local, regional and global level? What role do gender, social and ethnic background play in participation in sustainable development? And how can science and journalism help to communicate the complex social dimensions of sustainable transformation?
Award-winning contributions
In September 2021, the top three contributions of the third round of the Communication Lab were honoured at an online awards ceremony.
The award-winning contributions of the third Communication Lab were selected by a jury, including jurors of well-known media companies, such as Johannes Boie (editor-in-chief of Welt am Sonntag), Alok Jha (science correspondent of the Economist) and Ulrike Winkelmann (editor-in-chief of taz).
The selected works convinced the jury through originality in the choice of topics and media as well as through a successful interweaving of scientific facts and storytelling.
Prize Winners
The prizes fore the most convincing contributions went to:
- the journalist Claudia Wiggenbröker and the political economist Alice Amorim for their article and explanation film “Energy poverty: And then the power shuts off”
- the journalist Sören Kittel and the political scientist Fabio Fornari for their five-part series of articles on the topic of sustainable tourism
- the journalist Hazel Sheffield and legal scholar Natalia Ruiz Morato for their illustrated feature “How land reform is the secret to long-lasting peace in Colombia”
- the journalist Jenny von Sperber and the agricultural scientist Khondokar Kabir ffor their radio feature “Bananas Forbidden”
The winning projects are available on the Humboldt Foundation website.