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About us

The International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP) are based on the idea of improving the quality and scope of international reporting and thereby promoting democracy, free speech and strong independent media. Through fellowships IJP supports journalists worldwide to better understand the culture, economy and politics of a host country, giving greater context to their experiences. Training, conferences as well as travel and research grants help our alumni to develop skills and knowledge to report critically and independently on international issues.

As a non-profit and economically and politically independent organisation for the promotion of young journalists, IJP annually grants up to 150 scholarships for journalists from more than 50 countries worldwide.

All journalism programmes are financed exclusively by third-party funds. In addition to partners from the private sector, the Federal Foreign Office, among others, finances many IJP projects. Furthermore, IJP cooperates closely with other non-profit organisations such as the International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) in Washington and the JDN in The Hague.

IJP is decentralised and has no extensive administrative apparatus. The programmes are organised almost exclusively on a voluntary basis by the members of the association, who often work as journalists themselves or for media companies. Responsibility for the individual programmes lies with the respective members of the board of IJP, who are elected by the general meeting and run the business of the association.

The advisory board consists of former IJP board members. Advisory board members can also lead IJP programmes.


Board of Directors

Dr. Frank-Dieter Freiling Head of Arthur F. Burns Fellowship, Middle East Fellowship, Ernst Cramer & Teddy Kollek Fellowship

Legal studies. Dr jur. Freelance journalist, especially for the FAZ and for various weekly publications. 1993-1997 working as a magazine publisher. 1997 joined the German broadcaster ZDF. Since 2000 head of International Affairs ZDF. Member of the supervisory committees of the European Broadcasting Union and of Arte. Book publications about Germany, the United Nations and France.


Benedikt Karmann Chief Financial Officer

Diploma in Economics at the Humboldt University of Berlin with studies abroad at the University of Siena and University of Habana. Master of Science in London (LSE). Worked for research institutions in the health care industry, now management consultant in an international auditing and consulting company.

Miodrag Soric Head of Marion Gräfin Döhoff Fellowship, Johannes Rau Fellowship, Polish Fellowship and South Eastern European Fellowship

Chief Correspondent Deutsche Welle (DW) in Bonn. Previously Senior Correspondent Deutsche Welle Moscow (2017-2019). Bureau Chief Deutsche Welle Washington D.C. (2009-2017). 2001-2009 editor-in-chief at Deutsche Welle radio and online. 1999-2001 head of the Eastern Europe department at DW. 1995-1999 head of the Russian department. 1991 “Kurt-Magnus’ award of ARD. Study of Slavic, political science and German philology in Cologne, Moscow, Kiev and Munich. Former member of the board of Reporters without Borders.

Martin Spiewak Head of Latin American Fellowship

Study of history and Spanish in Hamburg and Madrid. “Deutsche Journalistenschule” in Munich. Editor for four years at “Deutsches Allgemeine Sonntagsblatt” in Hamburg. 1997 – 1999 freelance journalist (reports, analyses and features). Since July 1999 editor at the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” at the department ‘WISSEN’ (education, medical ethics). Since 2004 member of in the Berlin office of the weekly. Several awards for in-depth reporting.

Marco Vollmar Head of Federal President Horst Köhler Fellowship

Marco Vollmar studied political science, history and economics in Bonn and Paris. After a tri-medial traineeship, he worked as a correspondent at the ARD Berlin studio for MDR and SWR and as a business and political editor for Deutsche Welle. In 2002, he became Head of the Television Directorate and four years later, Editor-in-Chief of DW’s online and radio programme. In 2011, he moved to the environmental protection organization WWF Germany as Managing Director Communications & Campaigns. Since 2023, he has been partner at the international communications consultancy MSL.

Vassilios Theodossiou Head of George Weidenfeld Fellowship, Northern European Fellowship, Central Eastern European Fellowship

Study of Law, Political Economy and Philosophy in Göttingen, London (LSE), Bonn and Speyer. Works as lawyer.

Advisory Board

Rainer Haubrich

Studied history, art history and political science in Bonn and Berlin, then freelance journalist and television writer. Since 1998 at WELT, initially editor for architecture and urban development, 2005 head of the feature section, since 2010 deputy head of opinion at WELT and WELT AM SONNTAG. Winner of the German-French Journalism Prize and the Schinkel Prize. 2001-2003 Member of the Berlin State Monuments Council. Ten publications, including “Berlin. Der Architekturführer” (2001), “Gesichter des alten Rom” (2016), “Das Berliner Schloss” (2020) and “Der Kurfürstendamm” (2021). At IJP, Rainer Haubrich served as head of the French and Dutch programmes.

Martina Johns

Studied sinology in Hamburg, China and Bonn. 1986 trainee at NDR, afterwards TV reporter for ARD, including Asia and the national news programmes. 1993 political editor at ZDF. 1995 – 2000 Head of the department of International Relations, now freelance journalist. Various book publications about China’s economy. Alumna Arthur F. Burns Fellowship (1993). Member of the board and head of the German-Asian Programme until 2022. Founder of the Asia Programme, head of IJP’s science projects and in charge of the Japan Programme. Member of the advisory board since early 2023.

Stefan Oelze

Founder and board member of Rosebank AG with four production companies in Cologne and Munich. Board member of the Film- und Medienverband NRW and the Produzentenallianz.

After studying Political Science and European Studies in Hamburg and London, from 1996 to 2008 at Granada Media Group, later ITV PLC; 2001 – 2008 Managing Director of Granada Produktion für Film und Fernsehen GmbH in Berlin and Cologne. From 2009 to 2012 CCO of MME Moviement AG and Managing Director of filmpool. 2013 – 2014 Board of Directors of Joiz AG. IJP member since 1991; Head of the German-British Programme from 1994 – 1997, then Spokesman of the Board (until 2000) and Chief Financial Officer (until 2003).

Board of Trustees

The board of trustees of the IJP supports the work of the association, advises and accompanies the work of the board and controls the annual audit reports. The Board of Trustees is composed of members of the parliamentary groups represented in the German Bundestag, representatives of the most important sponsors and partners of the IJP and represenatives from the German media landscape.

In addition, a separate Board of Trustees in the United States supports the work of the Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Programme.

IJP Board of Trustees 2024


Term 2022 – 2025

Alexander von zur Mühlen, CEO Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and Germany, Deutsche Bank (Chairman)

Honorary Chairman
Dr Tessen von Heydebreck
, former member of the Management Board at Deutsche Bank AG (Honorary Chairman)

Dorothee Bär, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU, Prof Dr Reinhard Bettzuege, former German ambassador, Nikolaus Blome, Director News, Mediengruppe RTL, Johannes Boie, former Editor-in-Chief, Bild, Dr Volker Breid, CEO, FAZ, Michael Bröcker, Editor-in-chief, Table.Media, Stephan-Andreas Casdorff, Publisher, Der Tagesspiegel, Dr Mathias Döpfner, CEO, Axel Springer SE, Dr Wolfgang Fink, CEO, GoldmanSachs Europe SE, Florian Hager, Director-General, Hessischer Rundfunk, Prof Manuel Hartung, Chairman of the Board, ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS, Steffen Hebestreit, Parliamentary State Secretary, Government Spokesperson, Dr Nobert Himmler, Director-General, ZDF, Barbara Junge, Co-Editor-in-Chief, taz, Peter Limbourg, Director-General, Deutsche Welle, Dr Tobias Lindner, State Minister, Federal Foreign Office, Dr Gesine Lötzsch, Member of Parliament, Die Linke, Georg Löwisch, Editor-in-Chief, ZEIT Christ & Welt, Prof Dr Johannes Meier, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Mercator Foundation, Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and the Media; Member of Parliament, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Michael Roth, former Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office; Member of Parliament, SPD, Dr Gregor Peter Schmitz, Editor-in-Chief, Stern, Jennifer Wilton, Editor-in-Chief, Die Welt, Ulrike Winkelmann, Co-Editor-in-Chief, taz



Patrons (Term 2022 – 2025)

The Honorable Amy Gutman, U.S. Ambassador to Germany
The Honorable John Horgan, Canadian Ambassador to Germany
The Honorable Andreas Michaelis, German Ambassador to the United States
The Honorable Sabine Sparwasser, German Ambassador to Canada


U.S. Board (Term 2022 – 2025)

Melissa Bell, former Publisher of Vox Media und Co-Founder of, Ambassador (Ret.) J.D. Bindenagel, Senior Non-Resident Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Rebecca Blumenstein, President – Editorial, NBC News Marcus W. Brauchli (Chair), Co-Founder and Managing Partner, North Base MediaElisabeth Bumiller, Assistant Managing Editor and Washington Bureau Chief, The New York Times, Ambassador (Ret.) Richard Burt (Chair Emeritus), Senior Advisor, McLarty and Associates, Elena Cherney, Chief News Editor, The Wall Street Journal, The Right Honorable Adrienne Clarkson, former Governor General of Canada, Nikhil Deogun, CEO of the Americas, Brunswick Group, Marc Eberhardt, President North America, BASF Corporation, Dr. Frank-Dieter Freiling (Burns President), Director International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP), Reto Gregori, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg News, Jacob Heilbrunn, Senior Editor, The National Interest, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, U.S. Army (Ret.), FBH Geostrat Consulting GmbH, Barbara Humpton, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens USA, David Kamenetzky, former CEO, Joh. A. Benckiser and Chairman, JAB Investors, Christian Lange, Chairman, EII Capital Managment Inc., Lars Leitner, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, Turner Construction Company, The Honorable Frank E. Loy (Chair Emeritus), former Under Secretary of State for Global AffairsSebastian Mackensen, CEO, BMW of North America, Jennifer McGuire, Chief Content Officer, Pink Triangle Press, and former General Manager and Editor-in-Chief, CBC News, Sharon Moshavi, President, International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), General (Ret.) David H. Petraeus, Partner, KKR & Chairman, KKR Global Institute, Asahi Pompey, Global Head of Corporate Engagement, Goldmann Sachs & Co. and President, Goldman Sachs Foundation, Christiana Riley (Vice Chair), Regional Head of North America, SantanderGoli Sheikholeslami, CEO, POLITICO Media Group, Calvin Sims, Former EVP, CNN News Standards & Practices, CNN Worldwide, Richard Socher, Founder / CEO,, Robert Steiner, Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; Director, Dalla Lana Fellowship in Global Journalism, Chrissy Taylor, Senior Vice President, Editorial Operations at Automotive News and Global Polymer Group, Crain Communications; David Walmsley, Editor-in-Chief, The Globe and Mail, Stanford S. Warshawsky (Vice Chair), Chairman, Bismarck Capital, LLC, Phillip C. Zane (Legal Advisor), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Health Administration and Policy, George Mason University