ComLab#1: Corona Panemic June 2020

Research communication has received massive attention throughout the world during the corona pandemic. Politicians have taken decisions on the basis of expert knowledge. This information has been competently communicated to the general public in Germany and elsewhere. Against this backdrop, the first Communication Lab revolved around the subject of the corona pandemic.
Award-winning contributions
Three of the ten works of journalism developed during the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have been selected by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the International Journalists’ Programmes to receive a cash prize of €500.00 each. The selected works stand out for their originality in the form and choice of the medium used and for their successful interweaving of scientific facts and story. The jury also decided to award a special prize to a fourth project from the June 2020 round.
Prize winners
During the first Communication Lab the following IJP alumni were recognized for their journalistic contributions:

All winning entries can be found on the website of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.